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Welcome Wednesday: Follow up - What did you do this summer?

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

It feels like only yesterday that I made the post about “school being out for summer“. What happened? Where did the time go? Borrowing from Throwback Thursday, I remember the first homework assignment each year was always to write a report about what you did during the summer. So, my question for you is? For those of you who commented on the previous post, did you end up doing what you planned to do? for Everyone else, what did you do over the summer months?

Personally, I did exactly what I had planned to do! After we moved and got settled in, we have been to the farm for the kids to see the cows on many week nights. We have had a number of family members over at our house to help with various things and we did a beach day as a family.

Alright, tell me what you were up to in the comments below.

Have a great rest of the week everyone!




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Maciej Łyk September 4, 2024

Hi, so true. The summer plans became... memories :) All went so quick: some time without the kids, then hiking in the mountains... did a lot of things around the house... hanging around with some friends... So all good!

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Tomislav Tobijas
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September 4, 2024

Sounds like an interesting summer Jimmy! I’m in a similar boat—I've ticked off most of the things I planned, especially around my new place, which I moved into late last year. From building a garden/storage house to making some interior upgrades. 🛠️

While many folks here usually head to the seaside during the summer, I mixed things up with some traveling outside the country and visiting a music festival—that was definitely the highlight of the season for me 🕺.

I still have a few vacation days left, so I’ll have to figure out how to spend those. 'Sweet problems,' as they say 😄

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Amanda Barber
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September 4, 2024

This summer went by in a flash! We went camping a few times, had the kids in many activities (which involved being their taxi driver, lol), and did a few little day trips around Wisconsin and northern Illinois. I'm definitely looking forward to the routine of the school year once we get settled in. 

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Susan Waldrip
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September 4, 2024

Wow, is summer gone already?? So many things, like never-ending house and yard projects, taking our goats on daily walks around our property, day trips around New Mexico and southern Colorado, got to do some jigsaw puzzles, and lots of bird watching during nesting season and starting their migrations.

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Barbara Szczesniak
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September 4, 2024

We had some family come to visit us this summer—it was nice to just pick people up from the airport than to fly somewhere myself for a change. Other than that, it was a pretty quiet summer, capped off with lots of Olympics watching. 

Now I'm just waiting for it to cool off a bit here in central Florida, so I can do more outside.

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Rishabh Jhawar
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September 5, 2024

Summer was hotter than usual this year in India, but it went by in a flash. My summer included some quick travel, vacations, family visits, beach outings, long drives, hanging out with friends, museum visits, sports events, watching a lot of sports on TV, and, of course, work.

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Teodora V
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September 5, 2024

I quit my job and had a productive summer focused on my nutrition certification, food, and workout planning, accompanied by continuously evaluating my life priorities. 

So I guess it went well :)

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Getjan_lammers September 6, 2024

We (wife & 2 daughters) did as we planned.....................a roadtrip USA/Canada and visiting 6 family locations. However it did not turn out to be as exceeded our wishes.

With the relatives of my wife and me, we have been bonding like never before, not a day without family memebers around you.... We had so much fun and moving moments........that i like a repeat.......we slept on 42nd floor, slept in a camper, slept on a boat, swam in Lake Huron, Potomac and lake Ockanickon. Visited the camp where i was a student camp counsellor, and took a daily walk to a good capuccino place.

The 4 of us ended up being very thankful that we we shared 3 weeks with relatives......

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Ryan Angermeier September 9, 2024

Besides the usual mtn biking, kayaking, motorcycling, and hiking we are grandparents now which consumed a lot of our summer. The summer flew by and we realized we didn't get out as much as we usually do but having a little one to help look after was an amazing blessing this summer. He is already 2 months old and it seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital for the birth.

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roumaissa hamidi September 9, 2024

It went by very quickly, we went on vacation, it was very good.


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Shrey Tandon
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September 10, 2024

Travel and enjoy with family

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Diego Chen September 12, 2024

Play tennis and get the second tennis racket!

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Mihaela Neacsu September 12, 2024

Hi. The summer was intense, full of work, but also sun and fun. Good colleagues, good customers, lovely family, dear friends. So overall a super summer. The fall is announcing to be more challenging. Hope for inspiration and wisdom in this quarter.

All the best to all!

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Yee-Tee Ho September 15, 2024

Liking it.

Alexandra DM September 16, 2024

Hello everyone,
Writing from my beautiful Peru, where we are still in winter season :)
Thinking about how soon it will be summer and I won't have to be warm under 5 blankets.

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Cédric Daemen September 17, 2024

Started a new Asset project and migrating from data center to cloud one of our biggest customer.

Roxann Moyer
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September 17, 2024

New to joining the Atlassian community 

Johann Batt September 18, 2024

New to the Atlassian community and we had winter while you guys enjoyed your summer.

Nick Wade
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September 18, 2024

Good stuff Jimmy. We did some roadtrips in the western USA this year. Highly recommended, there is much beautiful country to experience.

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Andrea Mura
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September 19, 2024

Sea ​​sea sea, and International contemporary Art Exhibition(Biennale d'arte) in Venice, it takes place every 2 years between April and November. I recommend everyone to go there, even to see that wonderful city :)

The joys of living in Italy!

Unfortunately the summer went by too quickly...

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I'm New Here
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September 19, 2024

Camping and boating in the Rocky Mountains.

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Radjie Darain
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September 21, 2024

Nice share Jimmy! It's summer all year long here in Malaysia, so same agenda for me which balancing of catching up with work ad raising a now 14 month old daughter :)

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Andy Gladstone
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September 22, 2024

As I write this on the first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, I can say that many of my goals for the summer were not accomplished. However, that does not mean I didn't have an amazing summer. The highlight was our 25th wedding anniversary surrounded by our five children in the Rocky Mountains. We had so many trips down memory lane, but made so many new memories at the same time. I'll always look back at this particular summer with fondness and longing, and I'll push a lot of my summer goals into the fall!

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Cas Renooij September 23, 2024

I did a lot this summer. But time also flies and I regret it being over. So back to work it is...

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Nicolas Perez September 23, 2024

Hi!!! From Argentina.

Have a nice week!!!

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