Happy Wednesday Everyone!
It feels like only yesterday that I made the post about “school being out for summer“. What happened? Where did the time go? Borrowing from Throwback Thursday, I remember the first homework assignment each year was always to write a report about what you did during the summer. So, my question for you is? For those of you who commented on the previous post, did you end up doing what you planned to do? for Everyone else, what did you do over the summer months?
Personally, I did exactly what I had planned to do! After we moved and got settled in, we have been to the farm for the kids to see the cows on many week nights. We have had a number of family members over at our house to help with various things and we did a beach day as a family.
Alright, tell me what you were up to in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers