Throwback Thursday: Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving memories #TBT

It's Thursday!
And it's also Thanksgiving in America. Happy Thanksgiving all! I am really thankful for y'all.
I hope you are having a great day, wherever you are, with some good people. If not, then hop on to Snapchat and start a chat with your virtual friend "My AI". I've enjoyed chatting with it.
Soooo, tell us about some of your Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving memories :)
Let’s make it a great Thursday!



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Jimmy Seddon
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November 23, 2023

We celebrate Thanksgiving in October up here in Canada and I have two very fond memories:

1) When I was growing up, my parents always made everything from scratch except pumpkin pie.  My mom would by a can of pumpkin pie filling.  One year she was ill, so I took a larger hand in helping my dad with the meal and we couldn't find pumpkin pie filling so we decided to buy some small pie pumpkins and tried to make the filling from scratch.  It didn't turn out well at all, but I remember it being a lot of fun as we tried to improvise something.

2) As I said we generally made everything from scratch and I have always helped my day with cranberry sauce make from simmered frozen whole cranberries, it's very satisfying to watch them cook.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends!

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Halina Cudakiewicz_Deviniti_
Atlassian Partner
November 23, 2023

Here, in Poland, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but to all those who do: Happy Thanksgiving!

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Dave Mathijs
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November 23, 2023

To all the community members who celebrate it: Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving.gif

In Belgium, we don't have this tradition, would be nice though to experience it some time.

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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November 23, 2023

I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I tend to get called by some family friends who do for dinner.

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Gokul Anand Bahadur
November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

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Andy Gladstone
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November 23, 2023

As kids we always went to my mother’s first cousin and her family for Thanksgiving. It was always odd - my Mom and her cousin were like sisters, less than a year apart and grew up in a two family home upstairs and downstairs from one another. They would talk about the good old days while my father, our cousin’s husband and us kids tried to occupy ourselves in the company of relative strangers. 

We always had pizza for lunch and a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes and squash. 

What really stands out is that they had a Commodore 64 and we were always mesmerized watching our cousins playing games like Flight Simulator, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego and the such. We didn’t have a PC at home and we’re always hoping to get a chance to play on theirs. Didn’t get much of a chance, but we could watch them play for hours. 

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Ernst Fortunits
November 24, 2023

Hi all, und happy Thanksgiving to all.

Hier in Wien, ist es nicht Brauch Thanksgiving zu feiern - gut wir sind ja auch nicht seinerezeit nach Amerika gefahren. - Dafür gibt es andere Bräuche speziell im Osten Österreich findet dieser Tag das Ganslessen statt. Also zur Erklärung Gansl ist gleich Gans. In Erinerung an den Heiligen Martin (Bischof von Tours, Frankreich) gibt es gemästete Gänse mit Rotkraut und sonstigen guten Sachen.

Der Legende nach wollte der heilige Martin sein Amt als Bischof nicht antreten und versteckte sich im Gänsestall, doch die Tiere schnatterten laut und er ward entdeckt, daher nun der Brauch der sogenannten "Martinigans"

Wünsche allen happy thanksginving und einen gemütlichen kuscheligen schöne Herbst Ernst aus Wien

PS: mein weiterer Wunsch in Zeiten wie diesen "Die Schwerter zu Pflugscharen!" und möge Frieden sein und die Waffen schweigen!!I   

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Laurie Sciutti
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November 24, 2023


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Dan Breyen
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November 24, 2023

There's always the competition regarding Cranberries around the Thanksgiving table.  If you're like me, I like the jellied ones that slurp as they're coming out of the can.  Others like the traditional berries in syrup, while there is the third camp that insists that you grind them up with oranges and apples.  

Such a dilemma.

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Ernst Fortunits
November 24, 2023

Ja, in Bezug auf Essen und genießen, gibt es immer wieder gewisse Grundsatzfrage überdie es sich treffli h streiten lässt. Gruß Ernst aus Wien

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November 25, 2023

Hi Everyone, this group is cool...

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Gokul Anand Bahadur
November 25, 2023

Awesome celebrations.

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Neghena drawio Diagrams
November 28, 2023

No specific memory here, just a great time to have a long weekend and spend it with loved ones. I hope everyone had a great recharge the past weekend!

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November 28, 2023

In 2019, I took a trip to Disneyland the week before Thanksgiving with some friends, and we ended up having a dinner that basically became Friendsgiving. We told ourselves we'd repeat it every year, but the pandemic happened, and life in general has prevented us from doing it again, but it's still one of my favorite memories. 

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