What are some productivity hacks you use?

Jeff Gibson
April 8, 2024

I'm a big fan of tools or techniques to say productive. What are some of your favorites?

I'll share one of mine, if something takes less than 5 minutes, just so it immediately.

Even if it's not high priority I find that just doing it is faster than planning to do it in the future.



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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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April 8, 2024

If I forget to do something more than once, I add it to my Trello board.  That way it shames me till I do it.

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Andy Gladstone
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April 8, 2024

@Jeff Gibson welcome to the Atlassian Community!

I've always had trouble with that articular hack - my day would just end up being a series of disjointed five minute tasks rather than focused on deep work.

Here's two of my productivity hacks:

1. No meeting Fridays

2. Keep a neat and a dirty notebook - the dirty one is where you put EVERYTHING - never afraid to mess up the order. The neat one is where you copy over all of the important information and details. When? On Fridays!

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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April 8, 2024

My hack is simply to have too much to do, so you cannot afford to not be productive ;)

certainly isn't sustainable for long periods of time, but I much prefer busy times over not so busy ones.

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Jeff Gibson
April 9, 2024

I'm a multiple time founder and I agree. The less important stuff falls off your plate as it should. 

As a bonus when you grow a team you already have a backlog of things to hand off.

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Alex G
April 9, 2024

I write what I need to do and also take small breaks when I can. I work for 30 minutes straight, then relax or stretch for 5, and then another 30 minutes. It helps me focus.

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Josh Shepherd
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 9, 2024

Trello lists: Brain dump, sort and organize, prioritize, and suddenly you have a more manageable problem. :) 

Also an app called MeetingBar which puts your agenda at the top menu.. you can join your meetings from there and see whats up at a glance. Love it. :) 

Leslie Barrett
April 9, 2024

When I get a new project enhancement request from a user (via our backlog) I make sure to review and groom it within 24hrs. By adding a parent and component as part of the grooming, I've started organizing the next release and prevented having to reread through the issues over and over again.

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April 16, 2024

One of mine is kind of the opposite to @Jeff Gibson, set aside time where you won't pick up other tasks, and then have an hour set aside later for the small things that come in; if you don't need the full hour then carry on your normal work.

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