2025? What happened to the past year???
What better way to start the new year than with a resolution to get in on the Miscellaneous Monday action and earn the badge by signing up below!
(Don't forget to earn the Kudos as well by participating in 10 different Miscellaneous Monday discussions)
You will get a reminder when it's your turn
Feel free to make it as miscellaneous as you possibly can
Here’s the Miscellaneous Monday search filter to be inspired by previous discussions!
You can post the Miscellaneous Monday once it's Monday at Atlassian HQ in Sydney
As soon as your turn comes around, you can use this link to create a Miscellaneous Monday discussion!
Just post a comment below to sign up - feel free to choose a date that bests suits you!
This is open to ALL community members, whether you have the tag I’m New Here, Member, Rising Star, Contributor, Community Leader, Community Manager or Atlassian Team - we want EVERYONE to feel comfortable getting in on the action and starting a discussion!
Monday January 6, 2025: Stuart Capel
Monday January 13, 2025: Amanda Barber
Monday January 20, 2025: Barbara Szczesniak
Monday January 27, 2025: Lucy Saute
Monday February 3, 2025: Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_
Monday February 10, 2025: John Funk
Monday February 17, 2025: Dave Liao
Monday February 24, 2025: Ananjan_Mishra
Monday March 3, 2025: Sean Perry
Monday March 10, 2025: Jimmy Seddon
Monday March 17, 2025: Susan Waldrip
Monday March 24, 2025:
Monday March 31, 2025: Daria Kulikova_GitProtect_io
(Meme and theme inspired by Amanda Barber)
@Stuart Capel - London you got it! here's your meme:
I'll take January 13th!
@Amanda Barber thanks! you got a friend in me...
Happy New Year @Andy Gladstone!
I can do January 20th (not a holiday for my company 🥲)
@Barbara Szczesniak thanks. You're booked!
I can do February 10
@John Funk thank you! You're now on the roster.
Hi @Andy Gladstone , I can do Jan 27th!
@Lacy Saute thanks for volunteering! Signing you up!
Hey @Andy Gladstone
I would like to enroll for 24th February!
@Ananjan_Mishra thank you for stepping up. Looking forward to your post.
@Andy Gladstone Anytime!
Hey @Andy Gladstone , if "Atlassian Partners" aren't ostracized from this, I would like to take March 3rd 🙂
@Tomislav Tobijas _Koios_ of course you can! I've added you to the roster.
@Andy Gladstone wait - how did I end up with the 3rd of February instead of the 3rd of March? 😅
@Andy Gladstone - I'm in for the next free spot!
@Dave Liao I'm penciling you in for February 17 - perhaps you can do a post Valentine's Day love letter to Dim Sum and Cats!
In my calendar, and you gave me a great idea! 💡
@Andy Gladstone - I'm saving my dim sum post to be closer to Anaheim!
This weekend I switched to Obsidian (a note taking tool), which prompted today's Miscellaneous Monday (it's still Monday is 75% of the world... eek!) about note taking:
Thanks for your patience!
Hello @Andy Gladstone
I would be happy to take March 31st
@Daria Kulikova_GitProtect_io thanks for stepping up! Welcome aboard, you have secured the last session of this quarter!
Hi @Andy Gladstone , Happy New Year! Would you please slot me in for March 17?🍀 Thank you!
@Susan Waldrip thanks for volunteering. I've added you to March 17.
@Sean Perry sorry for the late reply - you got it! Thanks for volunteering.
@Andy Gladstone while I was working on the next Welcome Wednesday post, I went down a rabbit hole that I think would make for a great Miscellaneous Monday! Can you put me in the next free spot?
Thank you!
@Jimmy Seddon just getting back on top of community posts after a short hiatus. I penciled you in for March 10. I'll post your meme when I can access my memes folder!