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×Good afternoon friends!
Apologies for the late post, but it's MOVING DAY for me here at the office. With that in mind, here's a quick distraction if, like me, your day has been somewhat hectic and you need a few moments to unwind with some mindless activity!
Enter SILK which is a fantastic and beautiful computer-generated drawing program that can net you a spiffy new computer background if you're so inclined.
The coolest feature of this site is the ability to have rotational symmetry at varying degrees, mirroring, and duplicate points (and you can pick whatever colors tickle your fancy).
Here's a quick 2-3 second image that I designed a few minutes ago:
The beauty is in the simplicity here, so play around! I hope you'll share your creations below. Happy Monday!
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Whoa, cool colors @Jack Brickey!
I love the colors of yours @Jack Brickey! I say we all get it as matching tattoos at the next summit!
....ok, maybe just get it made as a temporary tattoo. ;)
hahaha YES @Kimberly Deal _Columbus ACE_
@Meg Holbrookthat looks like my brain right now, how did you guess? 😋
Here is mine:
Yours is so cute and petite @Fadoua :D What a sweet little flower!
@Meg Holbrookmy gift on this rainy Monday to every champion and Atlassian people for making this space a great place for all of us.
dang! how come yours is beautiful and harmonious with nature where mine looks evil. I worry about me sometimes.
but I will say that @Meg Holbrook's looks a bit like Krang from the Ninja Turtles...
@Jack BrickeyThere is nothing wrong with yours, it is beautiful. All I did was to move the "No rotational Symmetry" all the way to the right
aha...an advanced user!
Believe me first time using it. Look at Meg's picture and you will see at the bottom right a flower, then I was thinking there must be a way to do it.
OMG @Jack Brickey - it DOES totally look like Krang, I'm cracking up right now.
@Fadoua- is just cooler than we are.
I give you The Flying Spaghetti Monster. May you be forever touched by his Noodley Appendage.
Hail, FSM!
This is so cool and mesmerizing at the same time :) Here's mine, thanks for sharing Meg!
supposed to be a butterfly!
I definitely got butterfly vibes off of this one! Nicely done! Love the rainbow colors ^_^
It was fun to make, and a nice 1 minute activity to recharge my mind with a little fun and creativity! thanks again, hope your move went well and that all your plants love their new digs :)
@Jodi LeBlanc, uups, my first thought was Diablo, although it is not so colourful.
But it is also a wonderful butterfly.
"Its a bunny and a chicken!"
look out for Krang. He will eat both!
hahaha, that's awesome!
Gorgeous @Kat Warner!! I love seeing the differences between everyone's art.
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