Nice, well done!! I'll eat a beef veggie today, which is tasty and nourishing! 😃
Thanks @Ed Gaile _Atlanta_ GA_
I did several things differently.
1. I did a November challenge where I swap out sorry with gratitude. A great reminder and a positive approach.
2. I did use my left hand to brush my kid's teeth. Felt off but totally doable. haha
3. Change out Netflix for an hour of reading. Definitely recommend.
Like to hear Sea Sore.
Yesterday, I went to the Juice bar, and unlike all days, I chose the one thing in the menu that I have never tried rather than my comfort pick
That´s such a great idea , I´ll try something right now!!
Termino mi post en español para cambiar las cosas , siendo que esta es mi lengua materna y no predomina mucho en esta plataforma. Aunque me gustaría que así lo fuera a pesar de que me encanta practicar mi ingles, Pero está genial que nos empujen al cambio de vez en cuando. Me encantó este reto!
Ever try to peel a banana from the 'Wrong" end?
In the last year I've gone out of my way to push my comfort zone, in living circumstances, friendships, and work. Life long learning, change and self-development are frightening at first, but extremely rewarding.