I’m running a travel website and looking to use Confluence for organizing detailed travel itineraries. Has anyone used it for project management in the travel industry? Would love to hear suggestions or best practices.
I think @Brittany Joiner could speak to using Trello as a tool for detailed travel itineraries! Confluence wouldn't be any different than something like Google Docs which most people are already more comfortable with. I don't think it would bring additional value. However, something like Trello would be a fantastic option.
Yes!! I love using Trello for things like this, and we actually just talked about it in our latest event "show and trello" yesterday! (Here's a recap of the event with video recording, we talk about travel around the 12 minute mark! https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Trello-articles/Get-inspired-with-these-personal-Trello-use-case-ideas/ba-p/2821914)
Not the travel industry, but organizing all of my personal travel is one of the ways I use my private Confluence instance!
I'll have a parent page for the event or occasion I'm traveling for with dates, relevant links, and other high-level info, and a `/children display` macro to list out all of the child pages: one for lodging info, airfare (or other physical travel itineraries), packing list, detailed event information, other location information, and so on!
It has made all of my various adventures SO much easier to store all of my info in one place.