I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV (PC/PS4) for the last 5 years. The community's grown a lot over the years, but it's still a very supportive place and I've made so many friends in the world of Eorzea. There's so much to do, whether it's raiding in the end-game, roleplay, crafting or gathering... there's even a nonprofit who puts on theatre productions in the game!
My fave is My Time at Portia! The voice of All Source still gives me chills!
@Shawn Kessler you crack me up!
Great question!
I'm utterly in love with Worms Armageddon on PS4, well, it's the only game I play so I don't really have a basis for comparison, but I love blowing up my husband's worms with flying sheep - what's not to love! He plays loads, but I've never been a console or PC gamer (since Lemmings on my Commodore Amiga many moons ago)!
And for our wedding anniversary (12 December) last year, we bought ourselves the starter pack of Magic: The Gathering and have enjoyed a few games (of what I now know is not so affectionately referred to as 'kitchen table Magic'). We now have his'n'hers decks and matching die sets (which was to be expected!), and my Amazon Basket is full of MTG and "necessary" accoutrements!
We also enjoy Uno (although we have to watch out for language with a +2 then +2 then +4 against 1 person, as it tends to get a little ripe!), and you can't beat a game of chess in our house!
On my phone, I can't help but indulge in a bit of Sodoku!
Monty Python's Holy Grail Flux! Who doesn't love a game where the rules change with every hand and there is even the Holy Hand Grenade.
Computer game-wise - Sid Meier"s Civilization series.
But do you count to three before throwing it? ;)
Wait, there's a game based on Monty Python? I'll have to check it out.
Also, Civilization's pretty fun! Which is your favorite in the series?
Indeed there is. I loved Colonization. I've played Civ VI a bit and enjoy it. I can't remember if it was Civ III or Civ IV best.
Charades! Always results in so much laughter as people try to act out things!
Charades is a great game! I played it a lot growing up! Also Pictionary :)
Charades is great to teach kids, because it doesn't involve electronics/smart phone ;)
For something sort of related that DOES require a smartphone, have you tried Heads Up?
Yes, my kids would play that with their grandparents whenever they came over to babysit! Fun game!
In spain we call it 'mimic' (mimica)! And yes, it's an awesome game!!!!
Now a days I actually play 'Times Up', which combines Taboo, charades and memory 😍
Forbidden Island! I love co-op board games, and it's fun/exciting to watch the board change and move as you play. It's always suspenseful at the end to try to get off the island in time!
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition is one of the videogame I enjoyed the most while playing.
Is really fun and for under 2€ it's a steal. if you like metroidvanias it's a casual one but the puzzles are still fun not so hard.
Board Game: Monopoly - its just such a classic
Computer Game: Final Fantasy - any from the collection but Final Fantasy 7 is just SO good!
@Tai Saxty I completely agree and April 10th can't come soon enough ;)
ALL the likes on your comment... ALL THE LIKES!
yes I have told the husband and the kitchen fitter that although I may be in the building... under no circumstances will I be interrupted, or sociable on that day (well I might be up until it is delivered that morning) haha