Due to some intense windstorms on Tuesday, many of us in the SF Bay Area were without power for at least 24 hours, and some friends STILL do not have power coming up on 48 hours, and for some of them the estimate from our utility provider PG&E (yes, the one you may have heard about) is that their service may not be restored until Friday or Saturday!
SO yeah. #1 Service I can't live without: Electricity.
I'm very grateful that back in 2021 my wife convinced me to invest in Tesla solar panels and a PowerWall (battery), as it covered us for almost all of the 26-hour outage we went through. And impressively, our Internet also stayed up, as I guess AT&T's fiber goes back to the CO with a generator (and somehow doesn't need repeaters? Or maybe we just got lucky with repeaters unaffected by the outage.) (Friends who are on Xfinity cable Internet still do not have it, despite also having Tesla solar+PowerWalls. My understanding is that Xfinity relies pretty heavily on UPSes to power their infra, so those are eventually going to run out.)
One regret was that we didn't think earlier to check in with our neighbors. Yesterday morning (Weds) our neighbor across the street rang our doorbell asking if she could charge her phone. I had some full powerbanks to lend her. Then I texted our older next-door neighbor to see if they needed anything charged. He brought over his powerbank, but it was actually still nearly full. He's well-prepared.
What a cool discussion for the weekend! As I am scrolling through this thread, I already saw some apps, which I'll definitely check out ;) Goodbye emergency fund 💸💸💸
Here are my favorite apps, I couldn't live without:
Greetings from Germany
There are two subscriptions that are never doubted:
Other subscriptions that have made the recent culling
I would love to have a newspaper subscription but analog ones are quite expensive. Reading online newspapers just isn't for me.