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Meet-less May: Taking on Challenge No.3 ⚔️

First off @BridgetI've thoroughly enjoyed this week's challenge of attending less point-less meetings and not just because I've actually managed to achieve it (though it's only Thursday so I don't want to jinx it!)

So when I get asked this question....


... The answer is no!

We've made a concerted effort to keep between 15 and 25 minutes basing the timings off of what we would usually allocate per meetings so 1hr became 25 minutes whilst 30 minutes became 15 minutes and it's gone down a treat!

Agenda's are always a big thing for our meetings but we've taken the time to make a more thorough meeting agenda for internal and external teams which I can say utilises every ounce of your allocated time meaning meetings are definitely more efficient and worthwhile 😃

I've also been making more use of Trello to provide scope for meetings and activities (similar to sharing a Confluence page) and that also seems to work a treat. Ultimately I think meeting less needs to be tackled by a combination of factors because it depends on the team and the activities at hand but so far so good.

I'm looking forward to learning more from everyone on what works and what doesn't, it's all super helpful in developing a team!




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Meg Bailey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 20, 2021

Ooo I like your suggestion of using Trello for scope! I've found that the visual nature of Trello boards for higher level agenda items married with more detailed Confluence pages to flesh out ideas asynchronously is a great combination. 

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Laura Holton _ACE Rotterdam_
Community Leader
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May 20, 2021

Thanks @Meg Bailey, Trello can definitely give a team friendly visual for agendas and like you, we find it of great benefit when you pair it with other tools such as Confluence. It also means we can work offline or quickly see changes when teams provide updates in different time zones so we can work synonymously with each other.

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