And she is on the circuit again! Atlassian Trust & Security was approached by Michelle Price (CEO of AustCyber) to do an incredible fireside chat with our very own @Jodie Vlassis during the WiTWA [+] Conference held virtually! The fireside chat topic was about Mentors, sponsors and allies.
WiTWA [+] is a Perth-based, not for profit organisation providing a framework for women in tech [+] to extend their networks and expand their knowledge. Their supporter base is more than 3,000 strong and counting; WiTWA operates as a mission-driven not for profit network under the governance of a highly experienced group of women who are veritable champions for diversity and equality for women in tech [+] in Western Australia.
This was a fantastic opportunity for both AustCyber and Atlassian Security to come together, as recently, we are proud to announce that Atlassian is now a key contributor and in partnership with the Australian Cyber Security Center government agency. This partnership, along with AustCyber, we continue to build and garner a stronger presence and balance for women in both the technology and security space, and provide thought leadership towards breaking down barriers for both women and individuals that identify as a female.
To watch and see Michelle and Jodie talk all things Women in Tech, head over to