can i archive a whole board in trello ?

Safa Tribak July 14, 2023

is there a possibility to archive a whole board  without deleting it ?

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Summer Hogan
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July 14, 2023

Hi @Safa Tribak - yes you can do this. You can archive and unarchive boards in Trello. Here are the instructions: 

  • To archive a board: Click the the sidbare menu and go to the board you want to archive. Click on the "..." next to the board name and select "Close Board." Confirm the action in the pop-up window and your board is closed.

  • To unarchive a board: Go to the boards page in your workspace and at the bottom click "View closed boards". Click the "Reopen board" button next to the board you want to reopen. 

  • On mobile: Follow the same steps as above, but tap on the buttons instead of clicking them.

If this answers your question, please accept my answer so I can help others in the community. 

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