Which checkItems from Trello's website goes with which ID from Trello's API

Abehssera Yohan April 8, 2017


I'm developping an extension for Trello, but I can't find a way to know which ".checklist-item" goes with which ID in the API. The only thing I can think of is using trello.com/[TrellocardURL].json, as documented here, but as you can see on this picture :


the order of the checkItems in the API's is not the same as the one of ".checklist-item" elements in the DOM. 

Since IDs are not embedded in the DOM of Trello's website, this seems impossible.

Please let me know if there's any solution to this, thank you.

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Oscar Triscon
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April 8, 2017

CheckItems are returned in order of creation. The actual order of the items is given by the pos field. Just sort the checkitems by this field to match the UI.

Abehssera Yohan April 8, 2017

Ok, thank you, I'll try that.

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