Which Trello plan for one manager and a bunch of student collaborators?

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March 15, 2024


I work at a public university in Italy and I have been very happily using the free version of Trello to coordinate collaboration with my office's many - and frequently rotating - student collaborators. However, with the changes being introduced next month, our biggest team will be too big, because there are 12 of us.

Which of the Trello paid-account options would allow me to have as many as 12 guests on a board but only pay for my account as a manager (the students obviously can't be expected to pay)?

The pricing part of the site does not reason the way I am reasoning, so it doesn't seem like there is an obvious answer to my question available there (in fact, to learn more, I have to watch a video...).

I appreciate any help you can offer!

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Ste Wright
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March 16, 2024

Hi @onthemap_ , @Alma Guerrero ,

Trello Pricing can be viewed here: https://trello.com/pricing

Starting from Standard Plans, paid plans allow for single board guests which are not billed. They're only billable if they become multi-board guests.

See below - from this help page - on when a guest is billable or free:

Guest types and cost

While all guests are free on free Workspace boards, guests on Premium and Standard Workspace boards can incur an additional charge.

  • Free guest: A person is is invited to a single board in a Workspace is a single-board guest. This user is not billable.

  • Billable guest: A board member who is on two or more Standard or Premium Workspace boards is a multi-board guest of that Workspace. Multi-board guests are billed at the same rate as a normal Workspace member and consume a seat license.


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Alma Guerrero
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March 15, 2024

Hola, tengo la misma consulta. Somos un estudio de abogados y usualmente contratamos a una persona externa para que realice ciertas actividades en la empresa. Nos gustaria darle ciertos permisos como comentar en las tarjetas o dejar notas. No creo que sea conveniente pagar por una cuenta premium para un usuario que solo va a realizar actividades específicas.


Agradecería una sugerencia.

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