Ungrade a premium plan

Mario Jimenez
I'm New Here
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December 2, 2024

Hola quiero hacer el upgrade de nuestra cuenta gratuita a plan premiun, pero quiero saber cual es la diferencia entre los usuarios y los colaboradores, ya que me el plan que queremos tiene un costo de 6usd por usuario y pero somos mas de 10 colaboradores y no estoy seguro si todos somos usuarios. 

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Alisson Sartor
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 3, 2024

Hello, Mario

Welcome to the community

Every user will be checked individually on Trello Paid workspaces to test if they're billable. It means, that every user will be billed if they fit billing rules. However, some users aren't billable on Paid Plans, like single board guests, I'll clarify this:

Workspace Members:

These users aren't necessarily Board members; they can see all the Boards in Workspace, create new Boards, etc.

All the Workspace Members are billed.


Guests are users who aren't Workspace Members; however, they are members of one or more Boards on Workspace. They aren't able to create Boards, see other Boards in the Workspace, access custom Views, etc. They need to be more tricky regarding the billing question.

Single-Board Guests: Members of one Board of the Workspace (regular users or observers) aren't billed.

Multi-Board Guests: Members who are members of two or more Boards of the Workspace and are billed.

More information about this topic can be found in the articles:

Kind Regards
Trello team

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