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Trello best-practices for a Professional Services firm

Tom Svec
I'm New Here
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June 21, 2017

Hey everyone, Trello newbie here.  We've been piloting Trello on a small scale just to get a feel for how to fit it into our working model, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice around the following:

1. We have many clients, with many projects (dozens/hundreds).  In our pilot we created a Team as the Client, boards are projects, and cards are tasks.  Pretty simple.  However, when it comes to extending functionality i.e. Business Class, that functionality (and cost) is applied at the team level.  Are there best-practices on how to structure a many-client, many-project environment in order to ensure scalability and extensibility?  Board/Project privacy? Etc...


2. We have many people that could be working on many tasks in a single project.  the idea of checklist items in a card are great for progress to total i.e. 7/10 items checked, however, it's very common that those checklist items are distributed out to other individuals that have the bandwidth or skill set to complete them.  My conundrum is one of "how granular do you make the cards while still maximizing visibility, functionality and efficiency?".

Thanks for any feedback you might have.  Hopefully you Professional Services (vendor/client) users are out there and can spare me from having to re-invent the wheel.


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Maarten Cautreels
Rising Star
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July 13, 2017

Hi Tom, 

While I don't have any specific experience with your use case I would like to point you to It contains hunderds of example boards you can take a look at. 

Hope you find what you're looking for. If not, I would suggest to just get going. Start small, maybe just one project, and expand from there. 

Just don't forget to think about why you would want to use Trello, what are you trying to achieve? 



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