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Trello automation visibility to admins and board members

Season Hughes April 2, 2023

I have set up some Trello automation rules on a board.

I would like other Admins and members of the board to be able to see these rules.

However, when the other board Admin, Kevin, tried to view my rules, he was unable to do so. While I am able to click on Admin and see rules Kevin has set up (screenshot below), he's not able to see mine.


Is there something I'm missing that would allow him to see the rules I've set up? Do I need to add them to an automation library perhaps?

Thank you for your help!

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Oliver S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 3, 2023

Hi Season, hope you're doing well! :)

For sharing these rules, you will need to make use of Automation Libraries - (you were on the money! :) )

Once you create the automation library and share it, it will be visible to all members of the Workspace.

Hope this helps! :) Let me know if you have any further questions and how things go!

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