Support with admin leaving the business

Rachel Thomas
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March 22, 2024

Hi, we have the main admin who set up our Trello boards leaving the business shortly. We have tried to remove him and replace with current team members but are not able to do that.

We have our entire PPM system on Trello and I am really concerned that when he leaves his email will be shut down and we may therefore be stuck and not be able to manage our boards or make any amendments.

We are not very technically savvy with Trello so would need some hand holding/guidance if possible please.



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Gaurav Kataria
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 22, 2024

Trello has some wonderful consultants who you can contract with to get personalized service for setting up your environment. Here is the list

And here is the self-serve option if you want to do-it-yourself:

  1. Move all the boards that your team uses into one common workspace. Here is how to do it:
  2. Select the person who will be the Admin for that workspace, and have that person purchase the Standard plan by upgrading that workspace so that you have full admin privileges on everything going forward. You can do it by visiting:{enter the name of your workspace here}/billing
Ste Wright
Community Leader
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March 22, 2024

You could also try the Partner Directory for ongoing support; you can filter for partners in your area and those who have skills with Trello :)


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