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Start and End time label on front/face of a card

Tollan April 12, 2022

Is there a way to display a manually entered start and end time on the cards?

I see lots of "Time Trackers" but that is not what I am looking for. We use a single board for our production crew and I want to be able to enter in a start and end time for each card. This allows the crew to see what is scheduled for them and when to start and end.

Each card represents a single job and I do not want to break the jobs up into multiple cards as that would just cause confusion for the crew. We use checklist in each card to break down the many parts, just need an easy and very visible label that I can enter in times. Since the times can vary, I don't want to use the "label" tag as I would have to enter in a lot of info that changes daily. I just want a text box that shows up on the front of the card. Currently I use the notes, but that can get buried quick.

2 answers

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marin April 12, 2022

You can do that with custom fields I believe. 

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Brittany Joiner
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April 12, 2022

@Tollan welcome to the community! You can use Trello's built in start and end date features, which show up on the front of a card, like this! 



Is that what you'd be looking for? If so, just add the start and due dates from the dates section of the card. 


Tollan April 12, 2022

Thanks for the suggestion. I do use the due dates for total completion of the job, but needed an adjustable time for different parts of the job.

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