Search for new cards not working

June 27, 2024

Today I created a copy of a card and edited the new card, including changing the card title. The new and old card still shared the same word ("working") in their titles. When I searched for the new card with the term "working," it did not come up in the results, though the old card still did. I refreshed the page and retried, no dice. The new card did not come up in the results until I shut Trello down completely and reopened it. I then repeated this with another pair of cards. Same results, except I had to shut Trello down twice before the problem resolved.

I researched the community and found the thread addressing the same problem from 2019. However, it doesn't help me because the solution was that it was a system problem that was repaired. If that's what it is now, I'm trying to get the problem on Support's radar since the support request page just points you to guides or this community. Confirmation that others are having the same/similar issue would be welcome.

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Brittany Joiner
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June 28, 2024

If you don't shut down Trello but just wait that same amount of time does it appear? Wonder if it just takes time for the API to pick up the new card.

And are you using search or filters? (Ie search bar at the top of the page or  going to the filter menu and then typing keywords?)

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