Overdue task to complete

Eric Souza September 9, 2022

Hello, i'm trying to automate a card, this is how works (or it should work): When a task is overdue (reach a certain hour), remove label scheduled, add label published, set the due date to complete.

Agendado = Scheduled
Publicado = Published

Captura de tela 2022-09-09 165820.png

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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September 11, 2022

Hi @Eric Souza welcome to the community :) as you mentioned in your post, the trigger should be when a card is overdue. In the command you created, you've set the trigger to be "when a due date is marked as complete".

Try creating a due date command instead of a rule. So something like: 

1 hours after a card with the sky "Agendado" label is due, remove the sky "Agendado" label from the card....
Eric Souza September 11, 2022

Thank you, it worked! Would be better if trello accepts seconds and minutes too :/

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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September 11, 2022

You could do "the moment a card is due" - that would pretty much be within seconds I guess! 

Eric Souza September 13, 2022

I tried and didn't work, i don't know why, but "1 hour after" already solve :)

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