Order of Power-Ups determined inside the Trello card

Antonio Panea Pastor
June 27, 2024

Hi everyone,

I have a quick question. Some users have been asking about reordering the sections inside the Trello card, such as placing one Power-Up before another or moving the checklist below or above them. Do you have any idea how the order of Power-Ups is determined inside the Trello card?




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Atlassian Team
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June 28, 2024

Hi Antonio!

Regarding the order of Power-Ups inside a Trello card, they are placed in alphabetical order.

As for reordering sections inside a Trello card, you currently can't do that. However, many users have expressed interest in this functionality, and I've added your request to the existing suggestion here: TRELLO-268

I recommend visiting the suggestion, logging in with your Atlassian account, and clicking Start watching this issue on the right panel. This will help our product and engineering team understand which functionalities our users are interested in. Additionally, you'll receive email notifications when the ticket is updated by our product team.

I hope this helps!


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