Move to monthly billing from annual billing

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December 11, 2024


I'm looking for specific instructions on how to switch from annual billing to monthly billing for Trello Standard. Our subscription is renewing on Dec 28th as annual, but we would like to start paying monthly. I can't find the place to do this on our Billing page and the instructions from Trello/Atlassian are not helpful. We also need to remove two users. Thanks for your help!

Screenshot 2024-12-11 135852.jpg

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Renato Fagaraz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2024

Hi @djohnson !


Switching from annual to monthly billing directly while your subscription is active isn't an option right now, but you can cancel your current subscription and then resubscribe, choosing the monthly billing option this time around.

As for removing those two users, you can do that on the members page. Just head over to the workspace menu and you'll find it right below the boards section. From there, you can manage and remove users as needed, I'd only recommend doing that before resubscribing. 


If you run into any issues or have more questions, just let me know!

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