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Measuring % of tasks completed within SLA on Trello

Task Bot March 28, 2022

I'm looking for away to apply SLA timing's across multiple boards, and then find a way of producing a report to show how many tasks were completed within these SLAs.

I've looked at the SLA power up which may be able to be configurable to set thSLAs but then how would I look to gather a report on this?

2 answers

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Robin Warren _Blue Cat Reports_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 30, 2022

You could look at a couple of other power-ups for this

- Blue Cat Reports is likely the best for the reporting aspect and can generate lists of cards over an SLA as well as a Time to Complete chart which lets you see past completed cards and how long they took to complete

- Time in List is good for tracking time cards are spending in each list, and has some charts built in to see how long cards took historically. But... doesn't do as much as Blue Cat does :)

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Alex _ Trello
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2022

Hey @Task Bot - Trello doesn't have any native SLA functionality I'm afraid. Jira Service Management does if you're looking for a service desk solution. 

That being said, if you've found a Power-Up that adds SLAs to cards in Trello, I recommend reaching out to the support team for that Power-Up to see if it has a reporting function. 

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