Is there a way to archive boards?

Deleted user March 18, 2019

I would like to archive boards once they are a year old. There is no way to sort, store, or archive boards, leaving dashboards looking quite messy. 

I see this has been asked, but no solution has been offered and no suggestions have been added since 2016. Seems very much time for Trello to add a solution for this serious organizational problem.

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Iain Dooley
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March 18, 2019

@[deleted] closing a board is archiving it. The interface to "see closed boards" isn't particularly useful for reviewing boards you've closed, but if you want an interface to sort/review/access closed boards, you can just create a board called "Board Archive" and link to the archived board from a card in there:

That way your archived boards are just like cards and you can search/filter/categorise them as usual.

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