I have a question about the fee plan.

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January 12, 2025


現在、プレミアム プランを契約しています。1 つのボード (A) を 24 人のゲストと共有しています。新しいボード (B) を作成し、ボード A と同じゲストを招待すると、自動的に料金が請求されます。請求はボードの所有者に送られますか、それともゲストに送られますか? ボード C を作成し、同じゲストを招待して 3 つのボードを共有した場合、料金はさらに高くなりますか?

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Rasmus Wulff Jensen
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January 12, 2025

The charge will go to the board owner as the 24 guests are not entitled to be free anymore (before they where single board guests).. so you need to pay for 25 users now.

Board C will not increase the price further if it is the same 24 guests, as once they are paid users, they can access as many boards in the workspace as you like

So to summarize

  • a guest with only access to a single board is free
  • A workspace member or guests with access to multiple boards are paid users (paid by the workspace owner)

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