How to move all cards to from one list to top of another list?

santhoshsram June 15, 2020

I'm trying to move all cards from one list (let's say src-list) to the top of another list (let's say dst-list). There is the "Move all cards in this list..." action, but it always moves the cards to the bottom of dst-list. I would like to move all cards in src-list to the to top of the dst-list?

How do I do this, short of manually moving each card one by one? I tried to setup a butler board button for this, but even there this is not possible (I can only move all cards from one list to the bottom of another list).

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Esme Crutchley
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June 15, 2020

Hi @santhoshsram 

this is really random, but move all the cards in the dst list to the src list - that’ll put them in the right order, then move the whole list back?

or am I thinking too laterally/literally?!

sorry if it’s a naff suggestion (eating home made burgers!!) so my brain might not be 100% with it (because they’re soooooo good!)

Esme :)

santhoshsram June 16, 2020

Haa! That's actually a nifty solution. Thinking out of the 'board' :). It should work, let me give it a try.

Trello should have this capability built in, by the way.

Esme Crutchley
Community Leader
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June 16, 2020

Actually, now I'm not eating burgers, you could do this with Butler and a Board Button (sorry about my reply last night, but those burgers were amazing!):

Screenshot 2020-06-16 at 10.13.27.pngScreenshot 2020-06-16 at 10.13.36.pngScreenshot 2020-06-16 at 10.13.45.png

That would mean that in 1 click, all the cards from one list would be added to the top of the other.

Sorry I didn't think of it last night!

Esme :)

santhoshsram June 16, 2020

This is perfect. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much, Esme.

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Esme Crutchley
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June 16, 2020

You are most welcome @santhoshsram 

Have an awesome day :)

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