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How can I transfer a card from one board to another without it deleting the card history?

Troy Evans
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July 7, 2017

Currently, if I transfer a card from one board to another, the "Activity" list is empty after the transfer. Google searches for how to remedy this just bring up people who are _trying_ to to delete the card history. I'm trying to NOT delete the card history.

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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July 7, 2017

Hey Troy

It's actually not possible to keep the activity history when moving a card between boards, unfortunately.  

A workaround would be to capture a screenshot of the activity list within the card and add that image to your card once it's moved to the new board. Or even do a text copy/paste into comments for the same.

Trello support does keep an eye on this forum for enhancement ideas, but it might be best for you to submit a feature request to them by sending an email to


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