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How can I change which Trello workspace I want to link to my Gmail account?

Tracey Rees
I'm New Here
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May 24, 2023

I have one Trello account with 2 Trello workspaces. I have linked the Trello account to my Gmail account but when I try to use Trello & Gmail to create an action it only allows me to select a card from one Trello workspace. What can I do so it lets me select a card from my secondary Trello workspace?

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Alina Kurishko
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 25, 2023

Hi Tracey,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community! 

I must admit I don't fully understand the problem you're facing. What kind of action are you trying to perform when you can't use a card? 

Also, can you view cards from both Workspaces?  Are you sure you set up only 1 Trello account? It happens frequently that users have several Trello accounts for their work needs and personal stuff. 

If the issue persists, could I ask you to create a ticket through This gives us access to a few more tools to help investigate, and we can discuss information that can't be shared in the community.

We'd be glad to help! 

Alina | The Trello Team

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