Has anyone else experienced automations not running when you know they work?

Ost February 13, 2024

At least some of the automations on my board aren't running, and when i look at the notifications of ones that didn't run right I see this, "Requesting card to check trigger condition(s).

Anyone else experience this? Can (formerly known as) Butler not find the card? But it's in the board! 

(This board has been running for awhile without any noted issues, so I know the automations were previously functioning.)

 Screenshot 2024-02-13 104455.png

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Alina Kurishko
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 15, 2024

Hi there, 

Thanks for raising this question! 

I see you've already submitted a Trello ticket about this issue. My colleague has already reached out to you in ticket TRELLO-185420. If you're still experiencing this trouble, I'd suggest you follow up on the open ticket. 

Hope we get to resolve this issue together soon! 🙂

Alina | The Trello Team

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