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Formatted checklists in Trello cards

Greg Paul
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August 16, 2017

Is there a way to create formated checklists, grouped by subject? For example: (bullets would be check boxes on the real card)

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Matthew N
Rising Star
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August 16, 2017

Hey Greg

Are you meaning to set up 2 checklists on one card like this?   I'm not quite sure what you mean by "formatted checklist"IMG_8069.PNG

Hannes vd Walt September 29, 2017

Another questions to checklist formatting and your screenshots above:

On the iphone Trello app it is possible to collapse & expand multiple checklists in one card. This is a nifty feature if you have multiple long detailed checklists.

I have been trying to do the same on the desktop web-browser platform but it seems there are not such a feature on the desktop Trello version.

Is this correct or am I just overlooking the functionality somewhere?

If this feature is not available on the desktop version, how can I request/recommend it as a possible future update?

Thanks guys!

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