Filtering cards in Trello

Sam McCarroll
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March 23, 2019

Hi.  Have just started using Trello and love it.


Filtering. We can filter cards for next day, but not for today? Am I missing something? Can this be done. As sometimes I only want to work on todays cards (Or ones from previous days that I haven’t actioned)


Currently I’m going via


-Filter cards. And it only has a list of “Due in the next day”, “Due in the next week” etc. But I want today and those I have not done from yesterday.




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Iain Dooley
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March 25, 2019

@Sam McCarroll you might like to check out the Calendar power up which shows you cards with due dates in a calendar view. 

Sam McCarroll
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
March 26, 2019

Thanks for that...will give that a try.

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