Dashboard permissions

Miguel A
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January 5, 2023


How to set up a board so anyone can edit it?


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Ste Wright
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January 8, 2023

Hi @Miguel A 

For Trello Board Permissions - I'd check out these two help articles:

In terms of allowing any user to join/modify a board - see a few options with more specific instructions below!


Shareable Link

Allow users to access a link and become a Board Member.

  1. On your board, select "Share" in the top-right corner
  2. Generate a board share link
  3. Set the join option as Can join as a member

You can then share this link with users. Members can view/edit cards, lists, and some board settings.


Workspace Members

Allow Workspace Members to edit the board.

  1. On your Board, open the right-hand Board Menu using the breadcrumbs (3-dots icon) in the top-right
  2. Select "Settings"
  3. Ensure there is a TICK next to the option Allow Workspace members to edit and join

Then, any Workspace Member will be able to edit and join your board.


Let us know if any of these options work for you!


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