Couldnt connect Trello App with gmail

Maksim Abraimau February 19, 2023

Hi, first time everything works good. But now something goes wrong , when i want to send email note from gmail directly to trello desc i cant do that because of error. what is going on and how to fix that problem ? Thank you in advance and have a good day! 


2 answers

0 votes
Anirudh Murali February 20, 2023

Facing this as well, this is a critical workflow for all users. Hoping for a quick fix or workaround for emails to Trello soon!

Maksim Abraimau February 21, 2023

Seems that fixing was done. 

0 votes
Christl_Email for Trello
Atlassian Partner
February 20, 2023

Hi @Maksim Abraimau👋

It seems they are having trouble with the Gmail add-in but they don't have an ETA just yet. See the reply from the Atlassian team on this post.

In the meanwhile, you could look into the Email for Trello Power-Up as an alternative.

Check out this video for a quick overview: Email for Trello Demo, or simply add the PowerUp to give it a try with the free trial.

Hope that helps!

Maksim Abraimau February 21, 2023

Thank you so much for your support Kind Christl de Wet! :) 

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