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Copying board with comments

Laurie Bellino August 12, 2021


I create boards based on projects each month. If a project is not finished within the Month, let's say July and I want to carry the project over into August, I typically will copy the board and everything seems to copy over that I can see, but the comments on the cards. How would a copy a board to keep the comments that go along with it on each of the cards within that board? Otherwise currently, I have to write down all the comments and and then retype them it into the new board/cards which is very tedious. Thanks in advance for the help.

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Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 12, 2021

Hi Laurie,

This Trello help article has a solution that may work for you. The recommendation is to copy individual lists, then move those lists to the new board. This will retain comments. Good luck! 

Laurie Bellino August 12, 2021

I tried that and it doesn't seem to work, but create a new list on the same board I want copied. But I did see if I open the card itself, I can copy the list as you suggest. But then I have to delete my card that was already copied that didn't show the comments, which seems like an added step when everything should have been copied with the board itself. Thanks for the input.

Andrea Crawford
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 12, 2021

I think you'd have to do something like: 
- Create a new blank board

- Go to the board you want to make a copy of

- Copy the first list, then move it to the blank board

- Copy the second list, then move it to the blank board

- etc. 


I do not know if this is the most efficient way to achieve what you're after and it would certainly be tedious if you have many lists that need to be copied and moved, but I think this workflow should retain all the cards and comments.

Laurie Bellino August 13, 2021

I'll have to give this a try. Thanks for your help, Andrea!

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