Canot upload Picture son thé carde ans more

Michèle Kaufmann December 11, 2024

I used to be able to add Picture to listes and put them on thé « cover »- sincérité my l’astuce update of thé app, it’s not possible an more… It just turns and turns


what can I do?

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Renato Fagaraz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 13, 2024

Hi @Michèle Kaufmann !

Could you tell me what device you're using for Trello? I'd like to try to replicate the issue.

Also, is this happening with any picture you try to add, or just a specific one? If you could give it a shot on your computer or even through the browser on your phone instead of the app, that'd be super helpful for us to test things out. Thanks a bunch!

Michèle Kaufmann December 13, 2024

Thanks- I Was traying on my ipad and II did not work. Did try on my iPhone and It worked 😊


Michèle Kaufmann December 13, 2024

Would be nice it it would work again on the iPad though.. and yes, all pictures

Renato Fagaraz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 16, 2024

Oh, that's interesting. The iPhone and iPad technically use the same iOS app to run, so there shouldn't be a difference here when uploading images.

Can you try uninstalling your Trello app on the iPad, then going back to the App Store and making a clean install?

Also, could you try uploading to both devices using the exact same picture?

Let me know how that goes!

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