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Butler not searching the full checklist

physx May 3, 2019


I'm trying to set up a butler rule which triggers when a card moves into a specific list. Upon the trigger, the card should look up the first trello card attached in it and check the item {triggercardid} in "Checklist Example".

As an example, I have 5 child cards, named as "Child 1", "Child 2, ... , "Child 5" derived from primary card and all linked together. Under the "Checklist Example" (which exists in the primary card), I have 5 items named as follows:

- trelloid1

- trelloid2


- trelloid5


Let's say I move the first child card into a list called "Collect Children here".. As soon as I move the Child 1 card having it's unique ID as trelloid1, the item gets checked, which works as intended. Now, let's say I move Child 3, but its corresponding trelloid3 won't get checked this time because (as per my understanding) Butler searches only for the first item, it ignores any items that follows. Hence, the rule does not gets triggered for trelloid2, trelloid3, trelloid4, or trelloid5 because they are not the first item.

Is this is bug? Because, it should search all the items in the checklist and do actions accordingly?



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Iain Dooley
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May 4, 2019

@physx No it should search all checklist items in all checklists on the card.

There is something else going wrong ... I would play around with moving the order of the items, using triggercardlink instead of triggercardid, changing the trigger to be more general etc. until finding what's going wrong. It sounds like there is some subtle issue in how the command is triggering etc.

You might also want to check the command log for any errors or to verify that the command is executing.

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