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Boards/ Cards Translation

Gema Brett March 27, 2023

I'm having a massive issue with Trello. There’s no way to automatically translate my boards/card into another language (Spanish in my case).
I absolutely love working with Trello but I have to manually translate all my boards from English to Spanish; I need them in both languages and it takes me forever to do this using Google translate one by one.
I might stop using Trello and switch to the old Word tables just because they have the translation feature :( 

Any help with this? 

Thanks so much in advance! 

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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 28, 2023

Hey @Gema Brett,

Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Let me make sure I understand correctly, are you translating the interface text of your Trello board or the text you put in your card descriptions? Do you have a screenshot that could help me better understand your issue? That will make things easier to understand! Thank you!

Gema Brett March 28, 2023

Hey there! 

I'm translating (or trying to translate) the text I put on my card description, I have all my boards and cards in English but I also need the exact same boards and cards in Spanish, and yes, it's the text I put on my card descriptions, I'm ok with the interface in English 
I'm sure a power-up could solve this problem but I can't seem to find it :( 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 29, 2023

Hey @Gema Brett,

I see! – I couldn't find any specific Power-Up that could translate the content of your cards from English to Spanish. Still, I've found two third-party integration applications that seem to provide a way for you to translate the content of your cards based on certain actions on your board. I haven't used them before, but it could be worth exploring if you're interested in translating the content of your cards from English to Spanish. Here are the applications I've found:

I hope that helps!

Gema Brett March 29, 2023

Hi again! 

And thanks so so much for your reply.

I have had a look at those one before and even though I’m following all the steps it’s still not working. I’ve reached out to their Support Team but still no luck.


Hope we have a power up that translates for us soon. Canva already integrated it and like I said Word has had it for a long time! 

It’s time for Trello to give us this option. Soon I hope! 

thanks so much again! 

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 27, 2023

My team is looking for the same solution to have all card content in two languages.
Either both languages on the same card or beeing able to switch back and forth.
In our case we need english and simplified chinese

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fahd jlif
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 2, 2024

There's a new Power-Up that uses the DeepL API to translate your board, here it is:

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