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Automation rule to post contents of a card to Jira

Ben Cuthbert November 2, 2023


I'm looking to build an automation rule to post the contents of a Trello card to Jira (work management).

It seems you can build a rule that will create an issue or task but it does not contain any of the trello card content.

You can do this manually with the Jira button so the functionality exists, i'm just looking to automate it.

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Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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November 6, 2023

Hi @Ben Cuthbert ! What card contents do you need to see within Jira? Just the description? If so, your rule would need to look something like this:

when x happens, create a Jira "Task" with title "{cardname}" and description "{carddescription}" in project "x" in site "x"
Ben Cuthbert November 7, 2023

Hey Hannah thanks for that!

Attachments as well would be a winner, is that possible?

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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November 7, 2023

It looks like the only fields supported by butler are title and description. Generally, would the attachments be added before or after the card is copied to Jira? If it's before, you could create a separate automation that adds the attachment links to the description.

Ben Cuthbert November 7, 2023

Thanks so much! Before would work

Hannah Humbert - Simpla Workflows
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November 9, 2023

@Ben Cuthbert let me know if you need help with the automation, but you'll need to use two variables in your rule:

{carddescription} (in order to not override the current description)


So your rule would be something like:

"When an attachment is added to a card, change description to {carddescription} {attachmentlink}"


So the attachment links will always be at the bottom of the description. You may want to format it to make it easier to read like adding dividers or hyperlinking your attachment links. Eg. [{attachmentname}]({attachmentlink})

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