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Add labels to many cards at the same time

Siri-Brit Sømming
I'm New Here
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June 22, 2017

Hi, is there a way I can add a label to many cards at the same time?



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Matthew N
Rising Star
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June 22, 2017

Hey Siri-Brit

If you're wanting to add a specific label to all cards in certain lists, then I think Butlerbot can help you here, but it would have to be very specific.  Give me more information on what you're wanting to label, and I'll try to help you with a Butler Command.

Otherwise, you can add labels to cards by hovering over the card and stricking a number key associated with the label.  

Siri-Brit Sømming
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 22, 2017

Great - thank you! The number key did it. Not too many cards, fortunately, so this was efficient enough. Wanted to label all cards in some of my lists so I could restructure my lists. Just got too many lists...

Will also look into the Butlerbot at occation. Love Trello and your tools - keep up the good work:-)

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