Account hacked

Daniel_Friedrich June 17, 2020


I have been in contact several times but was unable to make contact.

Wish it will work now.

We accept minced meat and we can no longer enter the company data. One day we will be removed from all our plates we made. Can you restore these signs?

If I offer a question to the helpdesk, there is an unknown mal adress so I can't get in contact wish it works now

An email has been noted that we do not know



I took a few letters and added some characters that it is not immediately lying so publicly here because of the private


pleas help

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Iain Dooley
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June 19, 2020

@Daniel_Friedrich sorry to hear your account has been hacked, the best thing to do would be to use your email address to reset the password and then remove any nefarious members from your boards.

Also, if you go back to and go to ask trello support, then type your question into their automated thing and submit that, you should get the opportunity to send an email directly to Trello support.

Also, it's not totally clear what you're saying here, have you used Google Translate to translate your message into English? Perhaps try submitted your question in your native language and see if we can get a better translation, or if someone in the community or support team speaks your language, it might be clearer.

Daniel_Friedrich June 19, 2020



Bedankt voor je bericht 


Ja het bericht was gewoon vertaald via google 


Het gaat er om dat ons account gehakt is en wij van alle bedrijfs pagina's verwijdt zijn en wij nu geen toegang meer naar deze borden hebben.

Wij hebben nog wel toegang naar de account maar niet naar de borden.


Kunnen deze borden worden versteld dat wij weer gebruik van kunnen maken hier zit bijan 1,5 jaar werk in.


Ik heb via deze pagina gereageerd maar hier staat al vast een email in die wij net meer kunnen veranderen deze mail is van iemand anders niet van ons.


Wens dat hierin iets kan betekend worden 

Iain Dooley
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 22, 2020


From what I understand, you had a member of your boards who was an admin, and that member account was created by someone whose email address you can't control or access, and their Trello account has hacked, and the person who hacked their account went through and removed you and all the other members from all boards, is that correct?

If so, there's nothing you can do except to regain access to that Trello account. I mean, it sounds to me less like hacking and more like a disgruntled ex-employee. If the boards still exist, then you can get access to them, but whichever member is the admin on those boards and/or the owner of that email account is the only one who can help you.


Voor zover ik begrijp, had je een lid van je boards die een beheerder was, en dat ledenaccount is gemaakt door iemand wiens e-mailadres je niet kunt beheren of openen, en zijn Trello-account heeft gehackt, en de persoon die zijn account heeft gehackt ging door en verwijderde jou en alle andere leden van alle besturen, klopt dat?

Als dat zo is, kunt u niets anders doen dan toegang krijgen tot dat Trello-account. Ik bedoel, het klinkt mij minder als hacken en meer als een ontevreden ex-werknemer. Als de boards nog steeds bestaan, kunt u er toegang toe krijgen, maar welk lid de beheerder van die boards is en / of de eigenaar van dat e-mailaccount, is de enige die u kan helpen.

Daniel_Friedrich June 22, 2020

From what I understand, you had a member of your boards who was an admin, and that member account was created by someone whose email address you can't control or access, and their Trello account has hacked, and the person who hacked their account went through and removed you and all the other members from all boards, is that correct?

If so, there's nothing you can do except to regain access to that Trello account. I mean, it sounds to me less like hacking and more like a disgruntled ex-employee. If the boards still exist, then you can get access to them, but whichever member is the admin on those boards and/or the owner of that email account is the only one who can help you.



Ja klopt heb jij goed gezegd


Wij hebben geen contact met deze persoon dus wij kunnen niets veranderen of vragen.


In kan mijn email ook niet veranderen want die van de andere persoon staan er in en hier gaat alle communicatie naar toe.



Bedankt voor je bericht 

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