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2 steps verification on trello

Miggio Andrea
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December 24, 2022







Hi, I'm a personal assistant and my boss asked me to activate the 2 steps verifications.

In the trello account we're 3, if I insert his phone number (waiting for him to accept and send me the 6 digit code back)

Me and another guy, do we have to wait him to accept the 2FA code or we can continuing using it?


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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December 24, 2022

Hi @Miggio Andrea and welcome to the community,

2FA will not be activated until you insert the code. This mean that you can use Trello.

Miggio Andrea
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
December 27, 2022


Thanks for answering, another question... 

I have to activate the 2fa on trello (as said there are 3 person in it).
to active for my boss, do I need his account (and then the 2fa will be also for us) or I can do it from my account and then from his account he can see the 2fa?

Thanks a lot  

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