With Zapier, I´m able to send emails triggered by everytime a card is added to a list, by using label as emais destination, since i setup the laber with an email address.
I need to have that option under Scheduled comands, to send reports to stake holders that are not in Trello. But its either send to everyone on board or send to hard coded email address.
Sthis means I have to creat 100´s of commands, one for each stakeholder, and everytime theres a change in, e.g. the text i send alongside that said report, I have to change ALL, one by one.
If only i could have the option of being able to choose also e.g "with label color: XXX", since I only use one color for email labels, to make it work with Zapier.
Any possibiliy of developing this?
Cheers. Thank you for your quick reply! Great stuff.
These are outside of Trello stakeholders, that we identify using labels. Since we operate under bank secrecy, we cannot share details from the card, apart from the Card Name and current list, as the list show sthe stage the process is. With Zapier I was able to send emails everytime the card is moved to 5 specific lists, therefore allowing outsiders to be notified once the status changes.
But we also use Calendar Scheduled commands, eg.
every monday at 08:10 am, create a report in variable "XXX_Status" with all cards with the yellow "" label using pattern "- {cardname}" group by list, and send an email notification to "" with subject "Status | {isodate} | XXX" and message "Hi. Please find the current Status of all your open processes:\n\n**\n\n\n\n{$XXX_Status}\n\n\
But I can´t "automatize" this, since I cannot tell Trello to perform this command every Monday, for each label, and send it to the label - as email from Trello ( since the label is an email, to ease the process at Zapier).
Sorry if this is not clear.
In Hipporello you can choose to share just the card name and list. In that way the user signs in and he gets only a list of cards and their list aka status. You would not need to send him a message on Monday.