I recently wrote a post about the Future of Trello and wanted to share and discuss some of the thinking behind the direction we are evolving the product over the next year.
Let's start with the hierarchy in Trello. Currently, it might look something like this:
Teams > Boards > Cards
At the top, we have Teams in Trello. Teams hold Boards. Boards hold cards.
(We are likely going to rename Teams to Workspaces at some point because we think it better describes what Teams function is inside Trello).
This year one of the biggest changes we are making to Trello is that we are adding Views to each of these pieces in Trello.
Most people who have used the Calendar Power-Up or the Map Power-Up will be familiar with the concept of Board views and switching between them will become easier. We will roll out new views here as well (like Timeline, Dashboard, etc).
Going up to the Team level (or Workspace level), we will add those same views but allowing you to see across ALL your boards in the Team. See your entire Team's calendar. See the Timeline for all your projects. Customize the view to see only a subset of boards. This will be the very first time we introduce the ability to see multiple boards at once.
Going down to the Card level, we will add new views to cards. You are already familiar with separator cards (add a title "---" to a card) or image cards which show the image on the entire front of the card. But we will also add Board cards (use a card to link to another board) or Mirrored cards (take a card from a different board and make it appear somewhere else), and possibly even more card types (think of Jira cards, or Confluence cards, Checklist cards, or video cards for example).
Adding Views across these three levels of Trello's hierarchy is going to transform the way people use Trello - and will obviously create more opportunities for our customers and the ecosystem that builds on top of Trello to discover new ways to solve problems.
What are you most excited about? What new things would you like to see?
Michael Pryor
Head of Trello
New York, NY, USA
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