Non-work Uses for Trello - Making Divider Lists

So, if anyone has been watching my articles for a while, you’ll know I’m all about using Google Slides for creating card covers and just about anything else that it wasn’t meant for!

Grace And Mamrie GIF by This Might Get

With this in mind, I’ve now got a couple of boards that I want to have dividers on. What I mean by that is, I have boards that contain multiple years or events, that I want to be able to distinguish between, without having to have multiple boards for essentially the same thing. I had a brainwave recently, that I use Google Slides to make card covers, I could make dividers with Google Slides as well.


This is what I made:

Screenshot 2020-04-10 at 15.20.59 (1).png

It was really easy, let me show you how!


Open a new/blank Google Slides document.

Click on File > Page Setup > Change the dimensions to 20 x 20 cm:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 20.57.00 (1).png

You can have them any size you want, but I wanted to have mine clear so I made them larger. I would also recommend that if you're using them for card covers as dividers, you have them square. Of course, you don't have to, but I find that square takes up a decent amount of space, allowing a full 'break' in the middle of the board.

Then click ‘Background’ in the toolbar > click on colour > I personally use ‘gradient’ rather than ‘solid’:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 20.57.51 (1).png

Pick the one you like, then click 'Done'

There should already be a text box on the slide, if there isn’t, add one!

Then pick a font you like, I’d start by typing a number or capital letter:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.00.30 (1).png

Mine are the font ‘Lobster two’ in font size 400. 

If you want more fonts than are showing up, click on the arrow next to the font, and click ‘more fonts’:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 20.54.09 (1).png

Once you’ve found one that you like, and you’ve got the background all done and the font looks good and is the right size, right click on the slide on the list on the left and click 'duplicate slide':

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.04.37 (1) (1).png

If you’re doing a whole alphabet, you need 26 slides, if you’re doing numbers, you need 10.


Go to each slide and remove the letter that’s there, and replace it with the next one until you have all of them:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.11.45 (1).png

Then, make sure that there is a yellow background, showing that the slide has been selected, click file > download > then pick the version you want. Personally, I choose JPEG.

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.17.35 (1).png

You want to do that for each slide, yes it’s a pain, but you only have to do it once to get all of them.


Then, go to wherever it’s downloaded them and change the filenames! You want to change these while you remember, otherwise you'll never find them again!

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.22.54 (1) (1).png

I’ve also done the same for lower case letters:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.25.34 (1).png

And numbers:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.26.11 (1).png


And a special one for Christmas:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.27.01 (1).png

For this one, I changed the gradient and added a green element, and I set my Google-Fu to work on finding Christmas garland jpegs with a transparent background.


Even if you’re uploading them onto Google Drive or another such cloud service, you want to attach them to a Trello card as an attachment from your computer, not as a ‘drive’ file because you want them to attach as card covers.


This is a selection of the ones I’ve shown you in this article and made:

Screenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.32.49 (1).pngScreenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.33.01 (1).pngScreenshot 2020-04-12 at 21.33.25 (1).png

Just another useful tip on using Google Slides (which is free, of course) to prettify your Trello boards!

1 comment

Brittany Joiner
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April 13, 2020

Well this is cool. Learn something new every day!

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