Are you an Atlassian Certified Professional?

Tayyab Bashir
Rising Star
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September 18, 2017

Did you become Atlassian's Certified Professional recently? 
What were your expectations for the end result to be and did you achieve any of them? 
Did the certification enhance your skills and moreover your polished your future career path?
Was it worth it for you? 



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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September 18, 2017

I'm not a "recent" candidate, I've been certified for nearly 2 years now.  I can't speak on most of your questions here, but I did want to say that in Europe at least, all the partners and a lot of big corporates are looking for certified people specifically, so it's opening some doors for us.

Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
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September 18, 2017

I am also one of the early certified people, and also a co-author of one of the tests. As Atlassian Partners, it is necessary to maintain that relationship. It shows Atlassian and their clients that we have the knowledge and commitment required for them to list us as Partners.


I have had 1 recruiter approach me so far where certification was a must. I am sure that will grow as the number of certified people increases.


Hope that helps :D

Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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September 18, 2017

I was part of the beta program for JIRA Admin.  It was very difficult and required for me to really study even though I have been administering JIRA for 8 years.  As soon as I posted my JIRA Certification on linked in, I've been flooded with job opportunities. 

So definitely worth it from the perspective of expanding my knowledge of the product and for future prospects.


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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
September 18, 2017

Another test author here. Yes, I think it's worth it. This ad for a JIRA Admin at Apple is typical:

"Atlassian JIRA and/or Confluence certification(s) or equivalent work experience"

Claire Upham
December 1, 2017

I have been administering Jira for about 2 and a half years, and been certified for the last few months. While the certification is certainly challenging, I definitely thought it was worth it. I learned a lot on things I hadn't had to do before, and about the other hosting options. Overall, I have found it be very valuable so far.


December 1, 2017

Like other I have been a JIRA administrator for 5+ years. Earlier this year I was presented with a job opportunity that required me to get the ACP-100. I studied hard for 2 weeks and passed on my first attempt. I am still the only person on my team who has passed the test. 

I have been approached by some Atlassian Experts looking for certified people. It shows you understand the products and the mindset behind Atlassian. And it helps those companies to say that have certified experts on staff. 

If you want to continue down the Atlassian route, be recognized for your achievement and have a foot in the door for your next opportunity it is worth it.

Dominique Spriggs
August 29, 2019


Are you currently interested in an Atlassian opportunity? My company, RIA Solutions Group, is an Atlassian Partner and we are looking for a certified professional for a recent opportunity. 

Please let me know if you'd like to discuss further. 

- Dominique 

Jonathan Smith April 16, 2018

Hello. I am attempting to justify the exam cost with my company. After passing the exams, do you have access to certified only community portals for troubleshooting / etc? What is the rewards besides for the 'badge of honor'?

Bryan Bai
October 4, 2018

I passed most of the certification and budge, free as a beta tester or paid by the employers. The good thing is atlassian certification is cheaper enough if you just take the exam only.


As an Atlassian fan for all most 9 years, the certification and budge more like a souvenir of career. that's it. I don't rely on it for job seeking.

the exam itself is very interesting. a lot of scenario question and reading and also mistake. But it does help you to complete your atlassian product knowledge puzzle as whole pieces.

So you should take the certification which relates to your job and role. But don't take all budge together with certification right way. Use the budge as an extension to your certification when it approaches expiration.

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