{"error":"incident[components] is invalid"} (PHP)

Kmeleon June 16, 2020

I did more than 10 ways to put the incident connected with the component but no one works correctly .


Structured array:

$array = array();
foreach ($components as $component)
$array[$component['id']] = $components_status;
$postparams = array();
$postparams["incident[components]"] = json_encode($array);
foreach ($components as $component)

$cid = $component['id'];
$postparams["incident[components][$cid]"] = $components_status;


My output is similar to the API documentation but not work

[incident[component_ids]] => [".....3j0qxc",".....38ds4m",".....h59d9"]
[incident[components]] => {".....j0qxc":"partial_outage",",,,,,,8ds4m":"partial_outage",".....7h59d9":"partial_outage"}


The incident always is created with no component associated, and I need make this relationship under statuspage.


I shared the function of my class here :



Any idea?


2 answers

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Answer accepted
Kmeleon June 18, 2020

Finally I found a way, here the correct way to connect the incident with a component:


$this->param["incident[component_ids]"] = '["....k38ds4m"]';
$this->param["incident[components][.....k38ds4m]"] = self::COMPONENT_STATUS_PARTIAL_OUTAGE;

0 votes
Kmeleon June 17, 2020

Did other tests and nothing...

Anyone can help me ???

{"error":"incident[components] is invalid"}
[incident[name]] => Teste 14:39:26-9783
[incident[body]] => Em 14:39:26 foi registrado o erro 160 na rotina Objeto.Teste()
[incident[status]] => identified
[incident[impact_override]] => major
[incident[component_ids]] => [".......hf4pq","......7h59d9"]
[incident[components]] => {"......hf4pq":"partial_outage",".....7h59d9":"partial_outage"}

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