Why degraded incident does not show in yellow indication in uptime of a component?

k_jibin_m May 12, 2020

I was in an impression that when you create a degraded incident associated with a component, it will show a yellow bar in uptime. But it still shows all green. 

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Jake Bartlett
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 18, 2020

Hello, components set to "degraded performance" or "maintenance" aren't counted in the uptime showcase. From our knowledge base:

Our stance is that while degraded performance (i.e. things are just running slow) does affect user experience, it's not technically "downtime". We also think scheduled maintenance generally shouldn't factor in and this feature is more for displaying unplanned downtime.

You can find more information here in our knowledge base

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