Looking for Secure Engineering info to help evaluate Statuspage

Ron Craig
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February 14, 2018

1) Was Statuspage included in the penetration testing outlined by the pen test report available on the web site? That is, can we assume it was pen tested and all results are included in the report?

2) Does Atlassian have additional information on how their development practices and policies for Statuspage reflect their commitment to secure engineering?  I found the CAIQ self assessment for Jira and Confluence Cloud, HipChat and Bitbucket cloud offerings, but Statuspage is more elusive.

I'm interested in these areas:

  • Education/Awareness,
  • Project Planning,
  • Threat Modeling,
  • Security Requirements,
  • Secure Coding, and
  • Security Testing.

This would answer questions like:

  • Do developers receive secure coding education?
  • How is Statuspage tested besides its external pen testing?
  • Are there secure coding standards in place which Atlassian can share?
  • Can Atlassian share its Threat Model for Statuspage, or give more information on how threat modeling is used in design and development and testing of the product?

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Dylan Etkin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 15, 2018

I'll be honest, we don't have formal documentation that we can point you to about how we concern ourselves with secure coding for Statuspage. Also, we haven't had an external pen test for about 2 years now.

However, there are a number of things we do as an Atlassian product related to security.

1. Atlassian has an internal security team and that team runs network and XSS scanners on the product regularly.

2. We run a public bug bounty program and we conform to strict internal SLAs around addressing the issues raised. The SLAs vary based on the severity of the vulnerability.

3. We run our infrastructure on the internal Atlassian PaaS which has been built from the ground up with security in mind and which has passed many internal and external security audits. Using this PaaS means that every deploy we do spins up a new set of AWS EC2 instances, so our running instances are never long-lived. It's also the case that none of these instances have public remote access.

4. We also conform to a SOX compliant coding standard that Atlassian has adopted. All code that is deployed must go through peer code review and receive two independent approvals before being deployed.

Our developers do not receive any special secure coding training but we do have very senior engineers that have worked on products at scale on the team.

I hope this information helps a bit and I'm sorry I don't have more concrete information to share.

Ron Craig
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 15, 2018

Thanks, @Dylan Etkin.  That does help.

May I suggest that Atlassian explicitly include Statuspage as one of the test targets in its Bug Bounty program?


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