Getting http 400 error on incident post

dh1760 October 10, 2018

I'm using node.js to post incidents to our and getting a 400 error.  Based on the API docs, which show Curl examples, I'm formatting the post data as:

var postData = querystring.stringify({

'incident[name]': "Network routing issue",

'incident[status]': "identified",

'incident[body]': "body text...",

'incident[component_ids][]': "bk60bdqdqv7g",

'incident[components][bk60bdqdqv7g]': "degraded_performance"


The raw postData result string looks like:


I'm sure that I'm not correctly translating the Curl example to javascript object.

Any pointers, examples, advice would be greatly appreciated.


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dh1760 October 10, 2018

I've resolved this issue -- I was not sending the correct Content-Type and Content-Length headers.  With Content-Type set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and Content-Length set to the post data length, I got back the expected 201 (success) status.

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dh1760 October 10, 2018

After a bit more reading, I've corrected one issue (the component_ids parameter), but still getting the 400 error.

The post data object is:


"incident[name]": "Network routing issue",

"incident[status]": "identified",

"incident[body]": "This is a test message body. Had this been a real incident, this would have hopefully contained some useful information.",

"incident[component_ids]": [ "bk60bdqdqv7g" ]


The post data string is:


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